Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Photographic Resource Center

A long time ago in April, I went with a group of students and my teacher to visit the Institute of Contemporary Arts. At the time, there was a show going on presenting Shepard Fairey's work. He is most famously known for his Obama drawing/picture. I really enjoyed all of his work because of the contrasts that he would have. I thought it was interesting how he would draw a soldier and instead of bringing all the focus to the soldier's emotions or their strength, instead Fairey would put the attention on a rose in the barrel of the gun. I thought things like this were different from what is usually drawn with a gun. Fairey sees things in a different light and I enjoyed seeing a part of the world through his eyes.
I also liked the logo that he put in almost all his drawings, Obey. It was interesting to see on so many images because it made me think there was a subliminal message that I should have been understanding. So I tried to view the images in different lights as an attempt to understand what he was trying to portray. I admire Fairey's use of mixed media because all of the different medium related to the overall meaning. I looked at the image of Barack Obama and I saw many articles relating to Barack's successes.
Fairey's many images of Andre the Giant made me laugh a little bit because I used to watch the WWF, which is now called the WWE. He was a very large and dominant wrestler and seeing him broght back memories.

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