Monday, July 27, 2009

Marcus' Track Meet

Yesterday, I attended my cousins track meet in Needham. During the tournament, I took many b&w and digital photos of the kids racing. I got many low-shots of the kids feet while running, the emotions in their faces as they ran, and the last-second push to be first. I took shots from the side as they were directly in front of me and I also took some diagonally in front of the starting line. I attempted to catch the first move as the shot goes off and I hope I was successful with my b&w pictures. I will try to upload some of the digital ones online so that you can see them.

New York

Last week I went to New York for a weekend to visit family. While there, I decided to take some action photos with my cousin at a nearby basketball court. I took a lot of low shots looking up at him while he was shooting. I also took some shots of him doing lay-ups from the front, side, and back. I tried shooting myself with a tripod but it did not work so I ended up using him to take a couple of myself going up for a dunk.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I went to a conference in May for at the Art Institute of Boston. At the conference, I attended a class about photography. During the first part of the day, we learned about the legal part of being a photographer, which didn't interest me as much, but I took notes. We also saw Zach Vitale's binary eggs which he took pictures of eggs that were cracked and some that were whole and put them together and together they created an interesting image. During the second part of the day, we were introduced to all different kinds of cameras like wide-format, and square format, along with others.

Up coming events

I plan on going to the Franklin Park Zoo to see the Gorillas soon, I will be going to New York for 3 or 4 days, and I will be going to Chicago in August. I have a movement project I will be shooting, and I plan on attending one of my cousin's track meets to shoot him there. So be on the look out for updates on how the end up.

Photographic Resource Center

In May, I went with my photo class to the PRC for a look at the museum. We saw work from many different artists who did different kinds of art which varied from digital photography, black and white photography, and digital art. There was this one piece of work which I liked the most because of its abstract touch. It looked like a lot of different lines which were 3-D and made many different shadows and turns. The end product was very interesting and I enjoyed looking at it. There was another series of pictures where the artist searched one word on Google images and selected a certain number of them over a period of time and resized them, then layered them on top of each other. The end product was blurry at first sight, but if I tried to focus on one picture and I managed to make out some of the pictures.

Photographic Resource Center

A long time ago in April, I went with a group of students and my teacher to visit the Institute of Contemporary Arts. At the time, there was a show going on presenting Shepard Fairey's work. He is most famously known for his Obama drawing/picture. I really enjoyed all of his work because of the contrasts that he would have. I thought it was interesting how he would draw a soldier and instead of bringing all the focus to the soldier's emotions or their strength, instead Fairey would put the attention on a rose in the barrel of the gun. I thought things like this were different from what is usually drawn with a gun. Fairey sees things in a different light and I enjoyed seeing a part of the world through his eyes.
I also liked the logo that he put in almost all his drawings, Obey. It was interesting to see on so many images because it made me think there was a subliminal message that I should have been understanding. So I tried to view the images in different lights as an attempt to understand what he was trying to portray. I admire Fairey's use of mixed media because all of the different medium related to the overall meaning. I looked at the image of Barack Obama and I saw many articles relating to Barack's successes.
Fairey's many images of Andre the Giant made me laugh a little bit because I used to watch the WWF, which is now called the WWE. He was a very large and dominant wrestler and seeing him broght back memories.

Im back

Helloooo all of my internet bloggers out there, and I want to give a special greeting to my favorite blogger Samantha Johnston, and an honorable mention to Aids. Its been a month of vacation and in case you did not know, July is national, "Patrick Get Your Stuff Together" month. So in order to celebrate, I will be getting it together. You will be hearing from me a lot more often because I have a lot going on in the next two months. Yes I will be going to New York to take photos, and yes I will be going to Chicago(my favorite city) to take even more photos. But most importantly I am taking photos here in MA where I currently live. So I would like to apologize for leaving you all in the dark for so long and not knowing where I have been and what I have been doing and I will not do it again. Get ready for me because Im coming with the heat.